Rafi Mohammed, Ph.D.

Thought Leadership and Consulting Excellence

Rafi MohammedRafi Mohammed has been working on pricing issues for over 25 years. He is the founder of Culture of Profit, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company that consults with businesses to help develop and improve their pricing strategies. He also holds the title of Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business.

Rafi is the author of The 1% Windfall: How Successful Companies Use Price to Profit and Grow (HarperBusiness), which provides a blueprint for managers to create a comprehensive pricing strategy. His first pricing strategy book, The Art of Pricing (originally published by Crown Business), has been translated into seven foreign languages. Rafi has written three print magazine and over 90 digital articles on innovative pricing strategies for the Harvard Business Review. He has a new pricing strategy feature article in the January/February 2023 HBR Magazine titled "Expand Your Pricing Paradigm: Look to Other Industries for Inspiration."

Rafi is a frequent commentator and contributor on pricing strategy issues to the media including Bloomberg Business Television, CNBC, CNN, Fox Business News, Today Show, National Public Radio, New York Times, Wall Street Journal (including two op-eds), and BusinessWeek.

Rafi's research has focused on bundling, one of the most popular yet least understood pricing tactics. This research was published in the Rand Journal of Economics. Rafi has also worked on pricing issues at the FCC during the telecommunications deregulation, National Economic Research Associates (NERA), and Monitor Group.

Rafi was born in Milwaukee and raised in Cincinnati. He is an economics graduate of Boston University, the London School of Economics & Political Science, and Cornell University (Ph.D.). Rafi is an avid Bruce Springsteen fan.

About Rafi Mohammed
The Art of Pricing
The Art of Pricing
Buy The Art of Pricing
The 1% Windfall
The 1% Windfall
Buy The 1% Windfall