Rafi Mohammed

The 1% Windfall - Now Available at Bookstores

Posted on March 17th, 2010 (0 Comments)

I am pleased to let you know that The 1% Windfall: How Successful Companies Use Price to Profit and Grow is now available for purchase.

So why write another pricing book? Here’s the problem (hence, opportunity) – people usually think about pricing as a search for a single perfect price. Going back to economics 101, pricing is thought of as a downward sloping demand curve with a starred optimal price point. Now really, how many of you have ever seen a downward sloping demand curve and starred optimal price for your products and services? Perhaps a few of you have invested significantly in conjoint analysis market research to create a demand curve, but 99.5% of us have not.

Yes, The 1% Windfall details how to create a value-based price which serves as a foundation for every company’s pricing strategy – but more importantly this book focuses on the strategy of pricing. By strategy, I mean a series of pricing tactics designed to serve more customers (generate growth) as well as earn higher margins from some customers (profit). The book shows how small changes in price can reap a financial windfall.

Here’s the bottom line: The 1% Windfall offers a clear blueprint to help companies solve the universal challenge of "What pricing strategy should I create for my products and services?"

I believe that “1%” is much better written than “Art.” I listened to a lot of people and took their writing advice. Three editors worked with me on this project (Ben Loehnen, Betsy Whittemore, and Steve Szaraz) to help make the writing style “blue chip casual.” When I read the manuscript, I can see their influences on close to every paragraph. I took my agent Rafe Sagalyn’s advice (“people love stories”) and filled the book with fascinating stories about managers who overcame pricing challenges similar to the ones that you face. These are real stories about real managers from a variety of companies that produce well-known products.

Finally, I hope that you like this new site – I literally had the “Dream Team” of web developers and strategists help create it. Ross McDonald is an outstanding web developer – and friend. My sincere thanks to Gordon Paddison, Aaron Sugarman, Blaine Vess, Javier Colayco, and Sara Schneider for their generous assistance.

Oh, did I mention that The 1% Windfall is available for purchase at bookstores everywhere?