The Culture of Profit Advantage - a Boutique Consultancy
Prior to starting Culture of Profit in 2006, Rafi worked for a decade at several big strategy consulting firms. After gaining this experience, he formed Culture of Profit, a boutique shop which focuses on the unique industry nuances of each client and creatively employs the latest cutting edge pricing strategies.
A key differentiator - our unique value - is personalized expert service. At the start of each consulting engagement, Rafi conducts every interview with company personnel. With over 25 years of experience, he asks the right questions and most importantly, carefully listens - an off-hand comment can reveal a solid insight to follow-up on. The result of these interviews is the Theory of the Case - a summary of pricing opportunities to investigate. At this point, he and his colleagues focus on data analyses (internal and external), customer interviews, and surveys to support as well as revise primary theories of the case. Our final presentation provides a series of actionable recommendations supported by data analyses.
Key Benefits of Working with Culture of Profit
Rafi has day-to-day operating responsibility. Rafi is heavily involved with all aspects of each project.
Outstanding team. All key consultants have significant "big consulting firm" experience.
Absolute focus on actionable results. We use the latest pricing strategies to generate new profits and growth.
Fair pricing. Our fees are capped. Thus, if we come in under budget, you pay less. However, if we go over budget, you only pay the agreed upon cap.
Cost effective. Hiring us doesn't require a multi-team, multi-month engagement commitment. We produce results efficiently.
"Fine tuning" follow-up. If the results of our work spur an idea for a small (or large) follow-up analysis, we are happy to undertake it.
Quick investment payback. Our goal is for clients to recoup their investment in our consulting services within months after the final presentation.
Experience in a variety of industries. We are always on the lookout to implement strategies that have been successful in other industries.